Exhibition by a collective group of artists in collaboration with SPRUCE_CULTURE , CREATIVE CULT’ CRAFTED , Narrates the cultural essence of artists and their creative ideas, aiming to celebrate and inspire the use of “music” as a source of inspiration in life, whether through listening or being active participants. Some songs hold special meaning for individuals, and various cultures flow alongside the music, as seen through the eyes of experienced artists who bring their unique perspectives and experiences, connecting everyone through the language of music, presented on paper records, offering a musical experience that goes beyond mere listening.


To explore the essence of disruptive, gritty sounds blend with electrifying music, inspiring experimental collages showcasing the beauty in material imperfections and the passage of time, thoughtfully arranged in concise playlists using simple techniques, evoking a non-standard recording studio vibe.

Proportion of N [Now , No , Nothing] by Pattanaphoom P.

To connect the collective essence of music by observing the intricate proportions displayed within the melodies and the simplicity perceived through the eyes. It’s about capturing that instant rush of emotion when encountering the unexpected.


Some situation, some forever by Paul Eksupaapan

To acknowledge the transience of certain situations, emphasizing that some circumstances are temporary and ever-changing. Simultaneously, it suggests that some aspects of life are enduring and timeless, connecting us to a sense of permanence or continuity in our existence.

Special Guest : WAWO

Music Live Performance : น้าผี GHQST

LOCATION: @theshophouse1527

